1983 Projects
Project: 27-82
Title: Evaluation and Control of Ammonia Volatilization from Topdressed Urea
Principle Investigator: L.G. Bundy / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To determine the magnitude of ammonia loss from surface applied urea. To evaluate selective chemical amendments for reducing ammonia loss.
Funding Level: $4,635, $3,500, $4,000
Duration: 3 years
Project: 28-82
Title: Response of Red Pine (Pinus resinosa Ait) Seedlings to Starter Fertilizer Tablets
Principle Investigator: J.E. Johnson / UW-Steven Point-Natural Resources
Objective: To determine the effect of starter fertilizer on red pine seedling growth and survival.
Funding Level: $6,915
Duration: 1 year
Project: 31-82
Title: Preparation of Plant Samples for Multi-Element Analysis by ICP Emission Spectroscopy
Principle Investigator: E.E. Schulte / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To develop a fast, safe method of preparing plant and other organic materials for multi-element analysis.
Funding Level: $5,905, $2,650
Duration: 2 years
Project: 32 -82
Title: Relationship of Calcium Fertilization to Susceptibility of Potatoes to Bacterial Soft Rot
Principle Investigator: A. Kelman / UW-Madison, Plant Pathology
Objective: To evaluate the influence of non-lime Ca additions on yield, quality, and the susceptibility to soft rot in storage
Funding Level: $3,500
Duration: 1 year
Project: 33-82
Title: Agronomic Response of Fall and Spring Planted Small Grains to N, Cultivar, and Plant Growth Regulators
Principle Investigator: E.S. Oplinger / UW-Madison, Agronomy
Objective: To evaluate the response of several wheat varieties to timing and rate of N, growth regulators, fungicides.
Funding Level: $8,450, $10,350
Duration: 2 years
Project: 36-82
Title: The Influence of Potassium, Phosphorus, and Sulfur on Nodulation and N2-Fixation on Field Grown Alfalfa
Principle Investigator: M. Collins / UW-Madison, Agronomy
Objective: To evaluate the influence of P, K, and S on alfalfa shoot growth, nodulation, and N2 -fixation