1991 Projects
Project: 113-90
Title: Effect of Chemical and Cropping System Management on Soil Aggregation and Microbial Ecology
Principle Investigator: R.Harris / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To determine the potential of soil aggregation and microbial ecology test indicative of balanced nutrient cycling and optimized soil tilth, for differentiating between boundary extremes of soils managed by low vs. high synthetic chemical input practice.
Funding Level: $8,000, $8,500, $8,500
Duration: 3 years
Project: 114-90 –
Title: Evaluation of Certain Nonconventional Soil Additives for Improving Corn Yields in Wisconsin
Principle Investigator: K.A. Kelling / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To evaluate the claims of several nonconventional materials which are being used or promoted within the state.
Funding Level: $2,490, $2,688, $3,459, $3,569, $3,400, $3,600, $3,800, $3,000, $3,800, $4000
Duration: (continuous ongoing project)
Project: 115-90 a
Title: Nitrogen Fixation and Rotational Benefits of Soybean Grown in Rotation with Corn
Principle Investigator: E.S. Oplinger / UW-Madison, Agronomy
Objective: To determine if the primary beneficial effect of growing soybean in rotation with corn is due to nitrogen-fixation or to some other unknown growth promoting factors.
Funding Level: $5,000, $1,300, $7,370, $9,415, $10,080
Duration: 5 years
Project: 116-90
Title: Nutrient Monitoring in the Wisconsin Cropping Systems Trial
Principle Investigator: J. Posner / UW-Madison, Agronomy
Objective: To construct an annual as well as rotation cycle nutrient budget for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium inputs and outputs for each rotation.
Funding Level: $7,688, $10,748, $13,330
Duration: 3 years
Project: 117-90
Title: Screening Potato Germplasm for Efficient Accumulation of Applied Calcium
Principle Investigator: J.P. Palta / UW-Madison, Horticulture
Objective: To determine the magnitude and significance of differences in calcium accumulation efficiency among potato species.
Funding Level: $2,000
Duration: 1 year
Project: 118-90
Title: Nitrate Movement–through the Unsaturated Zone of a Sandy Soil in the Lower Wisconsin River Valley Area Under Irrigated Conditions
Principle Investigator: B. Lowery / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To determine the flux of nitrate through the unsaturated zone of a sandy soil under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions and two tillage systems.