1994 Projects
Project: 138-93
Title: Fall Strip Tillage when Applying Anhydrous Ammonia as a Conservation Tillage System
Principle Investigator: K.J. Shinners / UW-Madison, Agricultural Engineering
Objective: To investigate current residue clearing tools to determine the most appropriate for placement in front of the anhydrous ammonia injection knife.
Funding Level: $3,500, $3,500, $3,500
Duration: 3 years
Project: 140-93
Title: Plant Analysis with Standardized Scores (PASS): Development and Testing on Corn and Alfalfa
Principle Investigator: E.E. Schulte / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To publish a paper in one of the ASA journals on problems with the DRIS and on how the strengths of the SR system match the weaknesses of the DRIS and vice versa.
Funding Level: $3,500, $2,000
Duration: 2 years
Project: 143-93
Title: Assessment of Soil Nitrogen Tests in Animal-Based Farming Systems
Principle Investigator: L.G. Bundy / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To evaluate soil nitrate tests performed at preplant, emergence, and pre-sidedress stages for predicting N availability to corn in farming systems with substantial N contributions from legumes and manure.