1996 Projects
Project: 150-95
Title: Carry-Over Soil Nitrate Prediction System
Principle Investigator: W.L. Bland / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To make available to Wisconsin corn growers and consultants a monthly prediction through the winter of the likelihood of detecting significant N with the PPNT.
Funding Level: $5,340, $5,300
Duration: 2 years
Project: 151-95
Title: Determination of N, P, K and pH Levels for Improving Ginseng Root Yield and Root Quality in Wisconsin
Principle Investigator: J. Parke / UW-Madison, Plant Pathology
Objective: To determine the levels of N, P and K and soil pH for achieving high root yield and quality of cultivated American ginseng in Wisconsin.
Funding Level: $8,310, $8,310, $8,310
Duration: 3 years (ongoing)
Project: 152-95
Title: Nitrogen Tests to Predict Optimum N Rates for Winter Wheat
Principle Investigator: L.G. Bundy / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To evaluate nitrogen tests with potential for predicting optimum N rates for winter wheat in Wisconsin.