1998 Projects
Project: 157-97
Title: Best Management Practices for Starter Fertilizer in WI Farming Systems
Principle Investigator: L.G. Bundy / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To determine whether applying starter fertilizer is economically justified for corn production under several soil and/or management variables such as soil P and K levels, soil characteristics, tillage system, previous crop, manure application history, planting date, length of growing season, and annual climatic differences.
Funding Level: $6,900
Duration: 1 year (ongoing)
Project: 158-97
Title: Nitrogen Cycling in Crop Residues and Cover Crops
Principle Investigator: L.G. Bundy / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To determine the availability of N in crop residues of potato and sweet corn to a subsequent corn crop.
Funding Level: $2,880
Duration: 1 year (ongoing)
Project: 159-97
Title: Evaluation of Nitrogen Tests for Site-Specific N Recommendations for Winter Wheat
Principle Investigator: L.G. Bundy / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To evaluate nitrogen tests for site-specific prediction of optimum N rates for winter wheat.
Funding Level: $10,790, $11,220, $11,670
Duration: 3 years (ongoing)
Project: 160-97
Title: Planting Date and Hybrid Effects on Nitrogen Recommendations for Corn
Principle Investigator: L.G. Bundy / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To determine the effects of corn planting dates and corn hybrids differing in relative maturity on optimum N rates for corn.
Funding Level: $9,450, $9,800, $10,190
Duration: 3 years (ongoing)
Project: 161-97
Title: Interaction of Extended or High Rates of Calcium or Potassium on Magnesium Needs of WI Potatoes
Principle Investigator: K.A. Kelling / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To evaluate the effects of calcitic lime and high rates of K on potato magnesium levels and responsiveness.
Funding Level: $6,400, $7,600, $8,000
Duration: 3 years
Project: 163-97
Title: Nutrient Monitoring in the WI Integrated Cropping Systems Trial
Principle Investigator: J. Posner / UW-Madison, Agronomy
Objective: To measure the effect, after seven years, of six cropping systems on soil fertility (to 3′ depth). In addition to monitoring the changes in soil test levels, we will report on the annual nutrient input-output budgets that have been built for each phase.
Funding Level: $4,000, $6,456, $5,884
Duration: 3 years
Project: 164-97
Title: Development of a System to Accurately Determine Manure Spread Rates to Protect Water Quality and Improve Farm Profitability
Principle Investigator: R. Straub / UW-Madison, Biological Systems Eng.
Objective: To develop a system for continuously measuring and automatically adjusting the weight of manure spread per unit land area.
Funding Level: $7,000, $7,000
Duration: 2 years
Project: 165-97
Title: Improving Alfalfa Yields in Northwest Wisconsin with Sulfur Fertilization
Principle Investigator: K.A. Kelling / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To produce consistent alfalfa yields of four tons per acre or higher