1999 Projects
Project: 166-98
Title: The Lancaster Experiment: Crop Rotations for the Unglaciated Soils of the Upper Mississippi Valley
Principle Investigator: R. Higgs / UW-Platteville, Agriculture
Objective: To evaluate nitrogen contributions from legume crops in rotations compared to N fertilized continuous corn; provide access to experiment and long-term data for research on long-term crop management effects on crop production, N cycling and environmental issues as well as economic evaluations.
Funding Level: $7,400, $7,650, $7,900
Duration: 3 years
Project: 167-98
Title: Dynamic Simulation of Soil Nitrate for N Fertilizer Management
Principle Investigator: W.Bland / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To create a dynamic simulation model of nitrogen dynamics in the mineral soils used for poato production in WI.
Funding Level: $10,000, $10,000
Duration: 2 years
Project: 168-98
Title: Evaluation of Slow Release Fertilizer to Aid Establishment of Cranberry Vines in Upland Settings
Principle Investigator: T. Roper / UW-Madison, Horticulture
Objective: To evaluate effect of various slow release fertilizers for siutability to provide nitrogen to new cranberry vines; to evaluate cranberry growth and precocity resulting from nitrogen from slow release sources.
Funding Level: $2,500, $2,300, $2,300, $2,300
Duration: 4 years
Project: 171-98
Title: Effect of Subsoiling on Soil Physical Properties and Crop Growth in Several Wisconsin Soils
Principle Investigator: R.P. Wolkowski / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To evaluate crop growth and yield response to subsoiling; determine changes in soil physical properties from subsoiling; evaluate whether subsoiling effects plant nutrient removals.