1990 Projects
Project: 100-89
Title: Corn Yield and Economic Benefits from Starter Fertilizer Use at Various Planting Dates
Principle Investigator: L.G. Bundy / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To determine corn yield response to row-applied starter fertilizer at a range of planting dates.
Funding Level: $9,522, $9,700, $15,721
Duration: 3 years
Project: 101-89
Title: Calibration of Soil Tests for Alternative Crops
Principle Investigator: E.E. Schulte / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To determine the optimum soil pH for production of canola, field peas, lupine, and tritcale.
Funding Level: $6,244, $6,844
Duration: 2 years
Project: 102-89
Title: Foliar Applied Boron Effects on Alfalfa Morphology, Nutritive Value, and Yield
Principle Investigator: K.A. Albrecht / UW-Madison, Agronomy
Objective: To determine whether foliar application of B to alfalfa promotes branching.
Funding Level: $5,500, $6,000
Duration: 2 years
Project: 104-89
Title: Comparison of Biological Nitrogen Fixation and Fertilizer Nitrogen for Bean Production
Principle Investigator: J. Handelsman / UW-Madison, Plant Pathology
Objective: To identify a strain of R. phaseoli that provides sufficient fixed nitrogen to snap beans in the soils that are typical of Wisconsin bean farms.
Funding Level: $7,075, $7,500
Duration: 2 years
Project: 105-89
Title: A Survey of the DRIS Calcium Problem in Alfalfa
Principle Investigator: E.E. Schulte / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To examine the alfalfa plant analysis data base maintained by the UWEX Laboratory to obtain a statistically sound estimate of how frequently the DRIS system diagnoses Ca as limiting to alfalfa yields.
Funding Level: $6,750
Duration: 1 year
Project: 106-89
Title: Does DRIS Plant Analysis Accurately Predict Corn Response to Calcium?
Principle Investigator: E.E. Schulte / UW-Madison, Soil Science
Objective: To compare corn yield response to Ca treatments in situations where Ca is diagnosed as low by the DRIS system.
Funding Level: $9,300, $10,600, $3,000
Duration: 3 years
Project: 107-89
Title: Protective Treatments and Maintenance for Secondary Containment Facilities
Principle Investigator: D.W. Kammel / UW-Madison, Agricultural Engineering
Objective: Test several generic types of protective treatments for concrete including surface coatings, caulks, and crack repair materials, to determine chemical and abrasion resistance.
Funding Level: $9,000, $5,000
Duration: 2 years
Project: 108-89
Title: Improving Fertilizer Placement Techniques in No-Till and Ridge Till Systems
Principle Investigator: K.J. Shinners / UW-Madison, Agricultural Engineering
Objective: To evaluate corn plant response to two fertilizer placement treatments in two no-till systems with two fertilizer placement tools.
Funding Level: $8,000, $8,340, $6,740
Duration: 3 years
Project: 110-89
Title: Late Season Nitrogen Fertilization for Soybean
Principle Investigator: E.S. Oplinger / UW-Madison, Agronomy
Objective: To determine if soybean yields can be economically increased with supplemental nitrogen applied late in the season.
Funding Level: $5,515, $6,065
Duration: 2 years
Project: 111-89
Title: Impact of Forage Legumes on Potato Production
Principle Investigator: C.R. Grau / UW-Madison, Plant Pathology
Objective: To foster multidisciplinary research among CALS faculty on integrated agricultural systems that are responsive to economic and environmental concerns.
Funding Level: $2,300, $2,300, $6,000
Duration: 3 years
Project: 112-89
Title: Investigation of the Practical Means for Enhancing Calcium Contents of the Potato Tuber
Principle Investigator: J.P. Palta / UW-Madison, Horticulture
Objective: To increase the calcium content of the tuber.