2003 Projects
Project: 196-02
Title: Phosphorus Dynamics in Soils Receiving Chemically Treated Dairy Manure
Principle Investigator: K.G. Karthikeyan, Engineering dept., University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Objective: To systematically investigate the effect of land application of chemically treated manure on soil P dynamics. Specific objectives of our work include determining the effect of chemical treatment type, rate of application of chemically treated manure, and background soil-P level on short- and long-term [up to 2 years] dynamics and bio-availability of P.
Funding Level: $17,125, $19,805, $19,765
Duration: 3 years
Project: 197-02
Title: Maize Hybrid Response to P Fertilization: Analysis of Genotypes with Divergent Root Traits, P Efficiency, and Mycorrhizal Responsiveness.
Principle Investigator: Shawn Kaeppler
Objective: Specifically, to compare hybrids of common parentage but differing in specific P-efficiency related traits for response to starter P and response to fall-applied P based on seeling shoot weight, flowering date, total P acquisition, and grain yield.
Funding Level: $10,000, $10,000, $10,000
Duration: 3 years
Project: 198-02
Title: Soil Test Selection and Calibration for Turf.
Principle Investigator: Wayne R. Kussow, Dept of Soil Science, UW-Madison.
Objective: To identify and calibrate soil test methods for turf that provide equally reliable indices of plant available P and K in acidic and calcareous. To test the utility of the Mehlich III method for estimating plant available secondary and micronutrients. To assess the usefulness of soil tests for K in sand putting greens.