2016 Projects
Project: 279-15
Title: Characterization of Low Fertility Yields in Preparation for Future Research
Principle Investigator: Carrie Laboski
1) To characterize soil test pH, OM, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Mn, Zn, and B levels in the 0 to 6 in. and 6 to12 in. soil depths where samples are taken from throughout a 50 ft. by 50 ft. area at four low fertility field sites in preparation for future research.
2) To characterize soil test pH, OM, P, and K levels in the 0 to 6, 6 to 12, 12 to 24, and 24 to 36 in. soil depths where samples are taken at grid points on 100 ft. intervals at four low fertility field sites in preparation for future research.
Funding Level: $30,442
Duration: 1 years
Project: 277-15
Title: Interaction of Tillage and Nitrogen Fertilizer Use of Corn
Principle Investigator: Francisco Arriaga
1) Investigate the impact of chisel/disk, strip-till, and no-till tillage practices on NUE and productivity of corn.
2) Determine the impact of soil temperature and corn residue left on the soil surface in no-tillage on N fertilizer yield response and NUE.
Funding Level: $24,000
Duration: 3 years
Project: 280-15
Title: Validation of Red Clover Crop Nitrogen Credits for Corn
Principle Investigator: Matt Ruark
1. Determine the effect of red clover (as a green manure or silage crop), soil type, and tillage on corn yield.
2. Determine the effect of red clover (as a green manure or silage crop) and soil type on corn silage yield.
3. Calculate the N credit for red clover as a function of soil type, crop grown, and tillage used.
4. Assess any drawbacks to the inter-seeding of red clover on wheat yield.
5. Assess the effect of red clover on fall and spring soil nitrate concentrations.
Ruark et al., 2020. Quantifying the benefits of legume cover crops. 2020 Wisconsin Agribusiness Classic.https://extension.soils.wisc.edu/wcmc/quantifying-the-benefits-of-legume-cover-crops/
Funding Level: $10,353
Duration: 1 year
Project: 278-15
Title: Plant Analysis Calibration for Modern Corn and Soybean Varieties
Principle Investigator: Carrie Laboski
1) Assess the effect of varying N, P, K, S, Mn, Zn, and B fertilizer applications on soybean plant nutrient concentrations at R1, R3, R5, and in the harvested grain.
2) Assess the effect of varying N, P, K, S, Mn, Zn, and B fertilizer applications on corn plant nutrient concentrations at V4 (<12” tall), V10, VT, and in the harvested grain