2006 Projects
Project: 210-05
Title: Response of Corn and Soybean to Rotational Tillage and Fertilizer Placement.
Principle Investigator: Richard P. Wolkowski, Dept. of Soil Science, UW-Madison.
Objective: Examine the influence of rotational tillage on emergence, early growth, and yield of corn and soybean; Evaluate the response of corn and soybean to P and K fertilization as affected by tillage system and rotation; Determine the effect of increasing and decreasing tillage intensity on selected soil physical properties and soil test stratification.
Funding Level: $7,567, $7,468
Duration: 3 years
Project: 212-05
Title: Soluble Phosphorus Extraction and Recovery from Anaerobically Digested Dairy Manure.
Principle Investigator: K.G. Karthikeyan, Biological Systems Engineering, UW-Madison.
Objective: Characterization of the particle-size and associated P mass distribution of the digestate before and after extraction through the P recovery system; Determination of P recovery efficiency system parameters (i.e., Mg:P molar ratio, pH, solids content, reaction time, precipitator mixing speed, water-extractable P of digestate) on the extent of struvite precipitation.
Funding Level: $16,200
Duration: 1 year
Project: 214-05
Title: Manure Phosphorus Availability.
Principle Investigator: Carrie A.M. Laboski, Dept. of Soil Science, UW-Madison.
Objective: Determine the amount of P from manure that is available to corn based on changes in soil test level, plant uptake, and yield response; Determine how much residual manure P availability exists compared to fertilizer in the second year after P application; Compare increases in soil test P with manure application between field based and laboratory incubation studies.