2009 Projects
Project: 229-08
Title: Development of annual and perennial cover cropping systems for integration into vegetable crop rotations.
Principle Investigator: A.J. Bussan, Dept. of Horticulture, UW-Madison.
Objective: Quantify the ability of a spring seeded annual cover crop to accumulate or produce nitrogen that can be utilized by a subsequent snap bean crop. Determine the stage of cover crop development that provides the most available nitrogen at the critical time for uptake by a subsequent snap bean crop. Quantify residue levels and harvest quality of snap beans under different incorporation techniques. Identify optimal timing for establishment of red clover in snap bean.
Funding Level: $6,768
Duration: 2 years
Project: 231-08
Title: Nitrogen management and replant decision recommendations for winter wheat production systems.
Principle Investigator: Shawn Conley, Dept. of Agronomy, UW-Madison.
Objective: Quantify the effect of N rate and timing (fall, spring, split-spring) on winter wheat yield and grain quality. Quantify the effect of spring nitrogen rate and % winterkill on soft red winter wheat yield and grain quality. Develop guidelines for wheat N management and to assist growers in managing winterkill replant decisions in winter wheat.
Funding Level: $16,541
Duration: 2 years
Project: 234-08
Title: Understanding plant availability of manganese in glyphosate resistant soybean systems.
Principle Investigator: Carrie Laboski, Dept. of Soil Science, UW-Madison.
Objective: Quantify the effect of glyphosate in Mn availability in GR soybean systems. Develop new Mn management guidelines for GR soybean systems.
Funding Level: $12,304
Duration: 3 years
Project: 235-08
Title: Comparison of the nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen needs of corn hybrids with and without transgenic corn rootworm resistance.
Principle Investigator: Carrie Laboski, Dept. of Soil Science, UW-Madison.
Objective: Determine if corn hybrids with the transgenic corn rootworm resistant gene vary in their N use efficiency and N need compared to non-resistant hybrids. Obtain additional N response information to add to Wisconsin’s database upon which corn N rate recommendations are made.
Funding Level: $11,009
Duration: 3 years
Project: 236-08
Title: Maximizing nitrogen use efficiency, yield, and quality of grass pasture through the use of nitrogen fertilizer technologies.
Principle Investigator: Carrie Laboski, Dept. of Soil Science, UW-Madison.
Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of various N fertilizer technologies to improve N use efficiency, yield, and quality of grass pasture.
Funding Level: $19,362
Duration: 2 years
Project: 238-08
Title: Potassium fertilizer requirement for corn and soybean and soil test potassium drawdown.
Principle Investigator: Carrie Laboski, Dept. of Soil Science, UW-Madison.
Objective: Determine at what soil test level corn yields begin to decline and to measure soil test K drawdown the third growing season after potash application.